Some Measurements

The inspiration for "Some Measurements" stemmed from the creation of the "Glass Box" mobile application, initially designed for my aquarium hobby. In the process of testing various architecture patterns within the iOS environment, I became intrigued by SwiftUI, Apple's new framework for application development. This curiosity led to the birth of "Some Measurements," a simplified and more generalized version of "Glass Box."

Following Apple's SwiftUI recommendations from WWDC, I implemented the "single source of truth" concept, utilizing property wrappers and view modifiers in the code.

While "Some Measurements" currently focuses on basic CRUD functionality and internal architecture, future plans include integrating the "Combine" framework for functional reactive programming, enhancing data visualization with charts and graphs, and optimizing performance using Swift 5.5 concurrency support.

The application was updated on May 23, 2022, to improve stability, implement MVVM architecture, and introduce unit and UI tests for code integrity. Despite initial considerations to use SwiftUI with MVVM, it was deemed premature back in 2020, leading to the adoption of alternative strategies.