Software Developer

Hello there!

I'm William from Indonesia. My focus is on iOS development. This could be anything from making things look good on the iPhone screen to figuring out how everything fits together behind the scenes.

Beyond iOS, I've explored Android, Unity, and websites, and played around with creative tools like Blender, GIMP, and SketchUp. This portfolio is my showcase of the diverse skills I've picked up.

From crafting lines of code to sipping on endless cups of coffee, let's roll up our sleeves and dive into this fresh chapter together. Exciting times ahead!

Also, let's meet during the iOS Dev Happy Hour event on www.iosdevhappyhour.com.


Workout Tracker

An iOS application designed for gym enthusiasts to easily track and monitor their workout progress.
Technology: Workout Tracker is built with SwiftUI and Core Data.

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Some Measurements

A user-friendly iOS application for effortlessly recording and monitoring progress, suitable for everyone.
Technology: Some Measurements is built with SwiftUI and Core Data. It was initially implemented using the “Single Source of Truth” practice and was later transitioned to a more MVVM approach. XCTest is used to handle all unit and UI tests.

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Glass Box

An iOS application designed to assist aquarium owners in managing their aquariums. By tracking the parameters of the aquarium and presenting them in charts, users can detect signs of imbalances early on to prevent fatalities.
Technology: Glass Box is built with Swift and incorporates Core Data. The architecture follows the MVC pattern with a Modal Controller. CocoaPods is used to manage third-party libraries. All UI elements consist of custom cells implemented on top of UITableViews.

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A website designed and crafted to showcase not only my work but also my deep passion for software development.
Technology: wtanil.xyz is built using the LAMP (Linux - Ubuntu, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack, the Laravel framework, and the Bootstrap library. It operates as a standard website with backend access to a simple Content Management System. GitLab CI/CD and Envoy ensure seamless release from development to production, and PHPUnit framework handles unit and feature tests.

Learn more wtanil.xyz

ADEX 2015

Technology: ADEX is built initially with Swift, but due to complications in integrating with Metaio AR, which is a Unity project, it was changed later to Objective-C. It utilizes iBeacon for interaction and notification delivery.

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