ADEX 2015

I worked on the ADEX project during my time at JiL Creation Pte Ltd.

Introducing ADEX, the essential companion mobile application available on both iOS and Android platforms, designed for ADEX Singapore 2015. ADEX, short for Asia Dive Expo, stands as the premier annual dive show in Singapore, spotlighting cutting-edge diving equipment, enticing travel destinations, and noteworthy marine conservation initiatives. As the largest and longest-running dive expo in Asia, ADEX serves as a hub for divers, enthusiasts, and industry professionals to converge.

A standout feature of the app is its pioneering Augmented Reality (AR) functionality, powered by Metaio (acquired by Apple and later evolved into ARKit). This feature elevates the user experience by seamlessly integrating video content with printed materials. Moreover, ADEX's integration with iBeacon technology enhances user engagement by delivering timely notifications and exclusive promotions as attendees navigate the event hall.

During its debut, ADEX's mobile app surged to become the number 1 trending app in the Singapore App store, a testament to its popularity and user appeal. The app boasts a comprehensive set of features, including speaker listings, maps, and event and vendor information, ensuring users stay informed and connected throughout the expo.

Originally developed in Swift, the app underwent a transition to Objective-C due to the incorporation of Metaio AR functionality imported from Unity. The decision to use Objective-C facilitated the seamless integration of the Unity Project with the Xcode Project, leveraging its longer-standing presence and robust community support.

To complement the mobile app, a dedicated website (Linux Apache MySQL PHP (LAMP) and Amazon Web Services) serves as the backend, enabling vendors to effortlessly input their products and promotions. This integration enhances the overall event experience, providing a centralized platform for vendors to showcase their offerings.

Notably, the app was later adapted for ADEX China 2015. Navigating the unique challenges posed by restricted web services in China, several components were modified to incorporate Baidu services, ensuring a seamless and optimal experience for users in the Chinese market.